I truly hope all the students in St. Cyprian School will have a prosper and hoping year!
Making "Hong Bao", and sharing new year wish to your friends! (5-8th grade)
The older grades are making their own "Hong Bao", and share their new year wish with friends. I was touched by a lot of friend notes. Some students wrote notes for family members, which is really warm.
1st Graders create their own game of "Simon Says" of Chinese body parts.
1st graders are so exciting to take turns and lead the group showing out the body parts and saying "(their name) says+Chinese body parts".
Writing "Chun Lian"--3&4th graders
3&4th graders are learning how to write longer Chinese phrases on their own "Chun Lian".They are very proud of their own writing, and some out them hang it on their lockers.
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